Zirconium Crowns

Zirconium Crowns

The importance of dental aesthetic is increasing day by day in dentistry. Thanks to new improvements in technology, aesthetical dental procedures are becoming more prominent. Recently, zirconia based porcelains takes place instead of porcelains with metal frameworks that have been used for long years for crown preparations. Zirconia crowns provide more aesthetic appearance than the older metal crowns thanks to their light transmission. Beside, gingival fitting of zirconia crowns are very good.  In contrast to metal based crowns, they never cause disease or allergic problem on gingiva. In zirconia based porcelains, zirconium which is a white colored alloy is used as a framework instead of metal. Zirconium based porcelains are both   natural and aesthetic for anterior teeth usage and also resistant enough for  posterior teeth usage. Therefore, zirconia based porcelains can be preferred safely for anterior and posterior teeth